The ‚efficient museum‘ in resistance to the ‚dictatorship of the wall‘. The discourse of a new museum reform in Western Europe after the Second World War
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 12 Mai 2020 14:41
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URN: urn:nbn:de:bvb:355-kuge-563-6
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The present contribution is based on the assumption, namely that the innovative exhibition practice of the post-war period was a ‚second museum reform‘, a new theoretical approach that makes the different exhibition practice of the period, as compared to the pre-war period,understandable. In order to test this thesis, the following study is based on a systematic survey of statements of museum theory in post-war culture journals in several Western European countries,since this type of publication had already been the setting for the articulation of a programmatic museology before the war.
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